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Steel Structure Demolition | Structural Beam | Chicago

Top-quality structural steel at highly competitive prices!
If you need structural steel beams for your building construction, contact Structural Beam today. We provide high-quality steel products at fair prices to small building firms and private customers in Chicago.
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Structural Steel Demolition

Quality Demolition of Steel Frame Buildings in Chicago IL | Structural Beam

A successful demolition of a metal building or a structural steel building takes time and effort. You can do this project alone, even though it will take time to complete it. But if you prefer to save your time and energy, feel free to contact our contractor who will help you.

Best Steel Demolition Contractors in Chicago

if you are not sure you can handle the demolition of steel structure yourself, hire our remove wall structural engineer in Chicago who will gladly help you with it. Wise homeowners hire professional workers for demolitions.

Remove Steel Frame Quickly and Easily with Structural Beam

We have successfully completed so many successful projects – our customers know that we offer the best demolition methods! Call today at 773-917-8998, we are ready to do the demolition work for you!


How do you take down a metal building?

For a successful demolition of a metal building, first of all, you will have to remove everything stored in it. If the building has hinged or sliding doors and glass windows, remove them to prevent injury from them falling on pets or people. Then, unscrew the roof fastenings, remove the roof, and proceed to removing the walls. If you no longer need the walls, put them in a dumpster for recycling. If you don’t think demolition work is safe for you to handle on your own, hire our experienced steel demolition contractors.

Our services
When you’re looking for a steel beam manufacturer, trust Structural Beams to deliver. We offer structural steel beams for a variety of uses. Whether your need is for construction projects or manufacturing, your project demands quality.
Installation beams
Get steel beam installation service in Chicago and surrounding areas. Experienced Contractors.
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Replace beams
Replacing rusted steel beams and lintels is crucial to the buildings structural integrity.
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Erection Beams
Structural Beam is a full service steel erection company, with projects ranging from small miscellaneous metal jobs to large complex structural jobs.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you disassemble a metal building?

Metal buildings are easy to disassemble and move. Unscrew the roof skirting, put the roof panels off; proceed to unfastening the screws in the outside of the wall panels and remove structural wall. Finally, disassemble the floor.

How do you move a steel building?

There are two options when it comes to moving a steel building:

  • Demolition of steel structure and its reassembly at the required destination;
  • Transporting it whole.

How hard is it to move a metal building?

Metal buildings are safely moved every day. A lot depends on the size of your building. Moving smaller metal buildings is obviously easier. However, it still requires careful planning. You might need to use a temporary steel framework to provide extra support and make sure everything stays in place during the process.

It’s also crucial to choose the right equipment to ensure parts of the building stay level on the flatbed truck you will use during the move.

Can you remove a support beam?

In most cases, it is possible to remove a support beam. However, if we’re talking about a load-bearing wall, you will have to take special precautions to support the structure while removing it. Most likely, to remove structural wall, you will need to add a beam or another form of support in its place.

How do you remove a structural beam?

To remove a structural beam, do-it-yourself residential property owners must adhere to the local pass inspections requirements. You may also need to submit a plan regarding an alternative support system while removing a load-bearing wall.

What is structural demolition?

Structural demolition is the demolition of the structural parts of the existing buildings on the site.

What does demolition consist of?

There is a process that leads up to the demolition of a building. Demolition (also known as wrecking, cartage, razing) means breaking down, destruction, or removal of a house. The demolition of a structure is the process of dismantling a building in its end-of-life phase by controlled methods.

Our steel beams have good machinability, corrosion resistance, and weldability properties.
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